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Okay, my husband is officially the best. He’s a diver and a spearfisherman, and I’m extremely fortunate to be the beneficiary of those skills. While he’s very selective and judicious about how much he takes, I have certainly had my fair share of seafood in 2011. Most recently, he brought home a beautiful haul of scallops. And you know what they say about the person who brings home the bacon…

So last night he decided to make us a “light” supper of salad and (over-the-top, super rich) scallops with bacon cream sauce. Here is his recipe, as told to (and hopefully remembered by) me: Start by frying a few slices of bacon until super crisp. Removed the bacon to a paper towel, pour off the grease (to be used on Thursday’s turkey), and then add 1 cup heavy whipping cream to the pan along with a few good cranks of black pepper. Reduce by about 1/4. Chop the bacon to desired size and add to the cream. Reduce further until cream totals about 1/2 cup.

Meanwhile, lightly season scallops with salt and white pepper. Grill until browned on the outside and just slightly pink in the center. Spoon about 2 tablespoons of sauce onto a plate and top with scallops. The sauce is quite rich and, given the richness of scallops, this amount will be plenty.

Serve with a nice big salad; believe me, you won’t want any starch. Bon appetit!

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