One of my least favorite fashion trends in the U.S. is the muffin top. You know, when your jeans get a little too tight, but instead of giving them to Goodwill you just keep rocking them and add a slightly-too-short…
You know how when one vampire movie (or zombie movie, or movie about Truman Capote) comes out, suddenly there are one or two others within the next 12 months? Like, everyone had this great idea right around the same time for some…
A couple of my friends like to joke about becoming "Crazy Cat Lady," that old woman who has 2 dozen cats roaming her home with names like Mittens and Uncle Albert, and little bowls of milk all over the floor,…
I thought that headline sounded more dramatic and exciting with the year thrown on the end, like a breaking news story. Which I suppose this is, because hey! It's an actual bacon watch! As in, a watch made of bacon!…
Archie McPhee, you complete me. Naseem and I were just saying last night that McPhee will likely keep coming up with a new bacon product every few months from here to eternity. Then yesterday she sends me this. So now…