So we all know bacon has been infused with all kinds of liquors. Hell, I made Bacon Bourbon more than once myself. Until now these have just been recipes concocted at home or in America's swankiest bars, but no longer!…
So I know the Bacon Explosion is probably getting old for some of you, but I never made it because I don't like sausage. I'm a little slow on the up-take, but eventually an idea came to me: substitute hamburger…
I've found a new blog to add to my favorites. It's called Delish, and of particular interest to me is that the writer, Becks, blogs gluten-free, a lifestyle to which I am trying to adapt. But as an added bonus,…
Not to disparage the fine state of Iowa, but I've never had the compulsion to go there. I've probably driven through it on one of my family's many road trips across the country, but I can't say I remember anything…
Faithful reader Chrissy recently sent me a link to an etsy artist with a healthy appreciation for food, including our favorite meat. As you can see here, Nicodemusgreen thinks "bacon is like a little hug from god." For me, it's…
When my husband is out of town (which is often) I get lazy about a lot of things. For instance, all the shoes I wear in about a 2 week period end up in the living room because I can't…
A couple of my friends like to joke about becoming "Crazy Cat Lady," that old woman who has 2 dozen cats roaming her home with names like Mittens and Uncle Albert, and little bowls of milk all over the floor,…
I don't know what the weather's like where you are, but in Santa Barbara we're having an actual winter! Rain! Temperatures in the 50s! I know that sounds mild to lots of people, but I swear I've never been so…
If a kitty and an itty-bitty piglet can get along, then there's hope for all of us. Happy almost-Valentine's Day! Thanks, Holly, for this adorable find.
Do you love bacon? Really? Are you sure? Because if you're not wearing a t-shirt or in some way physically sporting your devotion, I'm not sure I can buy it. That's why I'm so proud of our reader, Nick, who…
I can't tell you how often I almost start my posts with the word "wow." I write it and then erase it thinking, "you can't say that every day." And yet while adventuring through the world of bacon, I often…
So this was what I was trying to write about a week ago when my world crashed around me. And maybe you've already heard it, but I still call it news. For those of you out there who are Mystery…
So this isn't an official post, but I wanted to let you know we're more or less back. I thought the world as I knew it had ended, but in fact it was only broken. Hooray! See you tomorrow!
Sorry, gang, I'm having severe technical difficulties which I hope to have resolved soon. To make matters worse, my work computer is also ailing, so I don't even have a backup plan. Hope to be back soon!
You thought Burning Man was impressive? Forget about it, Bacon Man probably took just as long to build and is significantly more delicious. Via FoodProof and NetDiva's Flickr Set.
I love when one idea snowballs into several others, and the bacon mat has been a major springboard for lots of bacon creations over the past few months. Of course there was the bacon cheese roll, followed by the bacon,…
Great news from Rocco at Bacon Freak! There's been a lot of talk lately about whether you can pair bacon with wine, and if so, how? RBS did just such a thing at our Bacon Day party, and it was…
I'm loving bloggers this week. Yesterday, of course, was a heart-attack recipe from SOT, and today I have to draw your attention once again to the Ridiculous Food Society of Upstate New York. Mr. Dave constantly cracks me up, and…