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The UN-Royal Bacon Society

Looking to spice up your bacon routine? Craving bacon made of wild game? Search no further, Friend. Savenor's Market in historic Boston has got you covered. Established in 1939, this upscale market was once frequented by East Coast royalty like…
April 11, 2008
Bacon Pet Products

Move over Snausages!

Last night the roommates brought home the BEST. TREAT. EVER. They're called Bakon Stripz, and like the bag says, they do make me go wacko. Stark-raving, foaming at the mouth insane, in fact. They smell exactly like barbecue sauce, which…
April 10, 2008

From Belly to Bacon

Ever wonder how your delicious bacon was made? You may be surprised to learn that at some bacon factories, your bacon takes a trip in the microwave! Shoot, maybe ALL bacon factories. I'm no expert, I just eat the stuff.…
April 9, 2008

History Baconized

Wow. I'm overwhelmed by my love of the website I'm about to share with you. The Bacon page of the Uncyclopedia is far and away the best time suck I've experienced this month. Maybe this year. Possibly this century. Beyond…
April 8, 2008

Enchantment under the Sizzle

Let's say you're a studly high school senior looking to make a splash at the prom. It's your last year and you want to go out with a bang. But how? Exploding pants? Spiking the punch? Streaking during the coronation…
April 7, 2008

The Scientific Pursuit of Bacon

In case you haven't already met, I just have to introduce you to the Annals of Bacon Research. I'm super impressed with this team, first because they paired the word annals, which my husband cannot say or look at without…
April 4, 2008
Bacon Pet Products

Bacon Groovy Sticks

I must admit this product has done nothing but confuse me. It smells like bacon. It tastes baconesque. My roommates stuffed brownie treats inside it (really people? bacon and brownies?) but seemed rather aggravated when I tried to eat. Is…
April 3, 2008

Bacon Bling

Ready to proclaim your commitment? Not QUITE ready to wear it on a t-shirt like a billboard? Well here's the perfect compromise. The I Love Bacon Necklace. Simultaneously bold yet understated, casual observers may even mistake it for the infamous…
April 2, 2008

Hover Bacon

When these little guys first hit the scene, I was fascinated. And given the success of their Quizno's commercial, just think what they could do for our friend bacon!
March 31, 2008

The Perfect Marriage

I've seen a number of interesting sweet/salty combinations involving bacon, especially where maple syrup is involved. But here's a brilliant new idea that combines two things that I truly love. Bacon and Chocolate. The Vosges Haut-Chocolat website is not only…
March 28, 2008

Give it up for Gravy

My roommates buy a lot of fancy stuff  for me.  Environmentally friendly biodegradable poop bags. (Who cares?) French Vanilla scented shampoo for sensitive skin. (Like I want a bath.) Two dog beds that they for some reason stack on top…
March 27, 2008

Bacon Taters!

I don't know what I love more: the interweb, or people from the mid-West who make my job so easy. Maybe this idea was too obvious, maybe I should already have come up with it myself. But it was just…
March 26, 2008

Kiwi…Australian for Bacon

This commercial reminds me of the excruciating year that my husband and I decided to be vegetarians. It would have been a lovely experiment if we hadn't both gained 10 pounds from all the extra carbs and cheese we packed…
March 24, 2008
Bacon Pet Products

Bacon Hydration

My diet is pretty boring. I get some supposedly healthy kibble twice a day, a handful of treats if I look cute enough, and all the water I can drink. Woop-dee-doo. Water. I know my roommates have beer and wine…
March 20, 2008
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