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Bacon Toilet Paper

Do you love the Grateful Palate? I love the Grateful Palate. Those guys are just genius, overflowing with an abundance of bacon gifts and bacon-of-the-month clubs and delicious goodies. Grateful Palate, I want to be your friend. This may be…
June 6, 2008
Bacon Recipes

Bacon Baklava

As you may have guessed by, oh I don't know, maybe my bacon blog, I am a salty person. I like the occasional sweet, but I'm really more about a good cut of meat, a rich pasta sauce or a…
June 5, 2008

Just in time for Father’s Day

I don't know about your dad, but mine has some typical father-like qualities. Things like a penchant for shop tools and barbecues and red meat. Although Dad and I don't agree on how we like our bacon cooked, we both…
June 4, 2008

Smart Bacon

It must be a wonderful time to be a vegetarian. Beyond the bounty of fresh and exotic produce available year round, there are some great companies out there making tasty meat alternatives. Heck, I'm not a vegetarian and I love…
June 3, 2008
Bacon ReviewsMost Popular Bacon

Bacon in a Can

Internet, this product has just BLOWN. MY. MIND. I thought it was a joke at first, but no. Indeed this product is real. It's bacon in a can and you can find it here. The camouflage can and the description…
June 2, 2008

You’re doing it all wrong!

This is interesting...a cooking site with a section devoted to telling you not only what you're doing wrong, but also how to do it right. This instructional video from about how to cook bacon is right on the money,…
May 30, 2008

This one takes the cake

I'm a pretty big fan of my dog. I personally bathe him and clean his ears and have spent an ungodly amount of money on his propensity to injure himself. Our house and yard are littered with dog beds and…
May 29, 2008

More wearable bacon!

Has anyone noticed that, um...people like bacon? Seriously good things keep being churned out by artists and chefs and hucksters alike. Today I bring you another Etsy artist, Melbell, whose shop is just full of cute novelty jewelry. Much of…
May 28, 2008
Bacon Recipes

Gentlefolk…start your grills!

Yes indeed, it's Memorial Day Weekend, and that can only mean one thing: Barbecue! And while the local weather appears to be less than cooperative today, I fully intend to wrap some steak and shrimp and chicken in bacon and…
May 23, 2008
Bacon in my LunchBacon Reviews

Bacon Jam

Internet, this bacon product might terrify you at first glance. It's not the format we're used to, and frankly sounded kind of gross when I first heard about it. But upon furthern inspection of the makers behind Bacon Jam, I…
May 22, 2008

Bacon Sushi (for real this time)

I once titled a post Bacon Sushi? because I doesn't exist. I can waste that title because I'll never find real bacon sushi to post about, right? Right?! WRONG! So let me backtrack by saying that my husband and…
May 20, 2008


Grr's bacon soap experiment (see Wednesday's post) was such a hit with you interwebbers, I thought we ought to give you the tools to make your very own bacon soap! And thanks to all the goofy and talented people who…
May 16, 2008
Bacon Pet ProductsRovering Reporter

Bacon Bubbles

Hey interweb, sorry I haven't been around the last couple of weeks. I was sick. Sick of writing for a blog master who doesn't pay me enough. I've negotiated a higher rate of treat payment, so I'm back. At least…
May 15, 2008
Bacon Recipes

Bacon Cappuccino

You know what's great about bacon blogging? It's all the great ideas, recipes and products we stumble upon while doing our research. And I know I've said it about many things before, but I LOVE TODAY'S IDEA! Yes, I have…
May 13, 2008
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