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Can you imagine a world with Toaster Bacon?

In 1962, Arnold Barach dared to dream of a bright future, a world filled with ultrasonic dishwashers, electronic teaching machines, and yes, toaster bacon. Of course! It's genius! Pre-cooked bacon sealed in aluminum pouches that can be easily re-heated by…
June 26, 2008

The Bacon Shop

Internet, I love you. You let people do and say whatever they want, and you don't judge them for it. If people want to shout their political views, you give them a soapbox to stand on. If they want to…
June 25, 2008
Bacon NewsBacon Video

Why I’m Voting for Barack

I don't know if any of you watch The View, but Michelle Obama appeared with those crazy ladies last week. They did a piece on breakfast where a nutritionist informed us that it IS the most important meal of the…
June 23, 2008

Nathaniel Bacon

Nathaniel Bacon was a wealthy diplomat in the young colony of Virginia, best known for his instigation of the Virginia Rebellion, now called Bacon's Rebellion. Frustrated by high taxes, low tobacco prices and favoritism shown by Virginia's Governor William Berkeley,…
June 21, 2008
Bacon Gifts

Bacon-Wrapped Dental Hygiene

Love to eat, but hate to floss? Me, too! I won't elaborate on my mental process, but the very thought of flossing kind of grosses me out. That's why the good folks at Archie McPhee have done it again. Bacon…
June 20, 2008

Bacon Hippos

In the tradition of seeing the Virgin Mary on your tortilla or the Shroud of Turin on your toast, this nice lady saw a vision of hippos in her rashers. And I think this may be a true miracle, because…
June 19, 2008
Bacon Art

American (Bacon) Graffiti

How bored are kids today when they go out and deface a public phone? And what does it say about our society when they've ceased to use swear words or gang affiliations, and begun to idolize bacon? Is it a…
June 18, 2008

Birthday Bacon

As I mentioned yesterday, we had one heck of a party to celebrate our good friend Naseem last weekend. Wine tasting was followed by wine drinking, followed by many taxi-cabs and occasionally getting shushed by my husband for talking too…
June 17, 2008

Kevin Bacon: Side Note

My husband was so mad that I didn't include Tremors in Kevin Bacon's list of hits. I was all, "I think it can be lumped in with his late-eighties slump." And he's like, "Nuh-uh. Tremors was made in the nineties."…
June 16, 2008

Bacon Feather

Well it's Monday again, and once again I'm overwhelmed and under prepared. The good news is that we had an awesome weekend celebrating Naseem's birthday with much wine and bacon-wrapped filet. (Delicious steak photos to follow soon.) In the meantime,…
June 16, 2008

Kevin Bacon 1958 – Eternity

Born in Philadelphia, Kevin Bacon is the youngest of six children. His prolific film career began in 1982 with the critically acclaimed Diner. It was with 1984's Footloose, however, that Kevin became a Hollywood icon. Although he experienced an artistic…
June 14, 2008

It’s Time for Bacon!

See this crazy kid? See how he's dancing for the sheer love of bacon? That song he's jamming to is written by one of the Society's favorite rock stars and product reviewers, Parry Gripp. You may know Parry as a…
June 13, 2008
Bacon GiftsRandom Bacon

Wake & Bake Redefined

I used to have a roommate who religiously did the wake & bake, something I found pretty irritating most days, since he had to walk through my bedroom to get to the bathroom for his morning shower. (Worst house design…
June 12, 2008
Bacon Gifts

The Eternal Struggle Rages On

It's a question as old as time: to meat, or not to meat. I know lots of vegetarians, and just as many former vegetarians who fell off the old meat-wagon. If you were struggling to control your carnivorous instincts, can…
June 11, 2008

Bacon Pizza…Hallelujah!

Could there be two more heavenly words than bacon and pizza? And I don't mean that Canadian variety so popular with the pineapples. I'm talking fat-marbled, skillet-fried, greasy, delicious bacon. According to Serious Eats' Slice report, Famous Original Ray's in…
June 10, 2008

Menage a Bacon

Wow! It's been a hectic weekend, and its going to be one heck of a Monday. Let's just say it involves major deadlines and multi-paged proposals. And so I will simply start the week with this beautiful photo of a…
June 9, 2008
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