Wow, it is really taking me forever to finish writing about Bacon Day. It was just SUCH a day! We had a number of very generous donors who helped us make this event a success. First and foremost was Rocco…
Do you love the Grateful Palate? I love the Grateful Palate. Those guys are just genius, overflowing with an abundance of bacon gifts and bacon-of-the-month clubs and delicious goodies. Grateful Palate, I want to be your friend. This may be…
Internet, this product has just BLOWN. MY. MIND. I thought it was a joke at first, but no. Indeed this product is real. It's bacon in a can and you can find it here. The camouflage can and the description…
Mother of Pearl, this one's good! Vanessa from What Geeks Eat knows how to make doughnuts, a skill not yet perfected by Husband and me. We've tried a couple times with miserable results, but this new recipe gives me hope.…
So my maple bacon black tea arrived this week, and I was so excited to try it! First of all, it came loose, giving me an excuse to use that teaball spoon I've had sitting in a drawer for the…
There's been a lot of talk about candied bacon, maple bacon, chocolate covered bacon, basically the ongoing quest for bacon made sweet. Further, people have mixed bacon into their favorite sweet treats, like pies, ice cream, chocolate and, of course,…