On Monday night my husband and I were feeling a bit lazy and uninspired, so much so that we ended up watching a veritable marathon of Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations. Which is not to say we don't enjoy the show;…
I love it when July 4th falls on a Friday. It's the perfect 3-day weekend where you actually start the partying on day one and either rage on through, or have a full two days to recover. Believe me, I've…
So my maple bacon black tea arrived this week, and I was so excited to try it! First of all, it came loose, giving me an excuse to use that teaball spoon I've had sitting in a drawer for the…
Could there be two more heavenly words than bacon and pizza? And I don't mean that Canadian variety so popular with the pineapples. I'm talking fat-marbled, skillet-fried, greasy, delicious bacon. According to Serious Eats' Slice report, Famous Original Ray's in…
Over the centuries, there have been countless tales of bravery, men and women willing to sacrifice life and limb for their cause, for their beliefs, for the people and things that they love. One such man, a personal hero of…
I know you've heard a lot from me lately, but today I really HAD TO write. Last Friday was my 3-year Adoptiversary, and man did I score! I started the day by receiving a snazzy new collar that totally complements…