BBQ Grill Mat Set of 3 Mats: Reusable Durable Non Stick Heat Resistant Cover for Charcoal, Gas & Electric Barbecue Grills – Premium Large Grilling, Cooking and Baking Sheets – 16 x 13 Inches
We were recently contacted by Oscar Mayer, asking us if we'd like to try out their new product, Super Thick Cut Applewood Smoked Bacon. Because we are no fools, we said, "yes please!" You may have seen this new bacon…
Ever wonder how your delicious bacon was made? You may be surprised to learn that at some bacon factories, your bacon takes a trip in the microwave! Shoot, maybe ALL bacon factories. I'm no expert, I just eat the stuff.…
I don't know what the weather's like where you are, but in Santa Barbara we're having an actual winter! Rain! Temperatures in the 50s! I know that sounds mild to lots of people, but I swear I've never been so…
Everywhere you look these days, the partnership between bacon & eggs is being celebrated. Easily bacon's most common companion, the egg has a sunny attitude that perfectly complements bacon's crispy outlook. Here are a few great items for the upcoming…
So my husband is a real sport. He's got many tattoos, most of them on a nautical theme as he is, himself, a nautical man. However, in the spirit of supporting me and Naseem and our blogging endeavor, he has…
Aaaah, the holidays. I just finished a nine-day weekend, and will be back at work for just two days before another five-day weekend. And amazingly, I still feel like I could use more time. I'm pretty confident that I could…