Mother of Pearl, this one's good! Vanessa from What Geeks Eat knows how to make doughnuts, a skill not yet perfected by Husband and me. We've tried a couple times with miserable results, but this new recipe gives me hope.…
We recently entered a contest hosted by our sponsor, Foodbuzz. It was a BACON recipe contest, and we felt it would be an embarrassment not to enter. Because, you know, we're a bacon blog. We were not victorious (an outrage!) but I…
There are a wide variety of ways to express your love of bacon. In coming posts I'll show you some wearable trinkets designed by the truly devout. I begin today with the BLT Ring, with big thanks to Cool Hunting…
I've only had one oyster preparation that I really enjoy...until now. I think bacon might just be the ticket. The presentation alone makes them worth a shot.
When I walk down State Street during the day, it seems like 50% of the people I encounter are listening to their iPods. (Or whatever. I call every mp3 player an iPod, just like I call all colas Coke and…
So my husband is a real sport. He's got many tattoos, most of them on a nautical theme as he is, himself, a nautical man. However, in the spirit of supporting me and Naseem and our blogging endeavor, he has…