BBQ Grill Mat Set of 3 Mats: Reusable Durable Non Stick Heat Resistant Cover for Charcoal, Gas & Electric Barbecue Grills – Premium Large Grilling, Cooking and Baking Sheets – 16 x 13 Inches
It turns out that bacon grease is often the center of bets, dares or penalties, generally propagated by individuals between the ages of 16 and 24. If you go to YouTube and enter "bacon grease" you'll come up with a…
How bored are kids today when they go out and deface a public phone? And what does it say about our society when they've ceased to use swear words or gang affiliations, and begun to idolize bacon? Is it a…
So I finally did it. I made bacon bourbon over the weekend to share with some friends, and I thought I'd give you the step-by-step account. First things first, introductions. Bacon, meet Bourbon. Bourbon, Bacon. Okay, pleasantries out of the…
How many times will Archie McPhee amaze me?! (I really must stop being so surprised every time they come out with YET ANOTHER bacon product.) This nifty little folder acts sort of like a magic eight ball, but with bacon!…
The day before Bacon Day, Naseem was at my house and asked me what we were going to do with all the bacon grease. We had toyed with the idea of offering it as a beverage option for the…
BBQ Grill Mat Set of 3 Mats: Reusable Durable Non Stick Heat Resistant Cover for Charcoal, Gas & Electric Barbecue Grills – Premium Large Grilling, Cooking and Baking Sheets – 16 x 13 Inches