As I mentioned during the Bacon Day posts, Rocco from BaconFreak gave us A LOT of bacon. We had already purchased many pounds of bacon ourselves, so were not able to use it all on Bacon Day. Fortunately, this means…
It was way back in November when we featured Boca Java's Maple Bacon Morning coffee. I think I ordered it that very day, it just sounded too irresistible. When it arrived, I was thrilled to find it had a one-way air…
On the Fourth of July, I was shopping at our local fancy-schmancy grocery store, Lazy Acres. It's like the small-town version of a Whole Foods. I love their produce, their cheese department, their fantastic wine and liquor selection, and...the meat…
How well do you know bacon? Do you know something about it's history? Do you have a favorite brand? Do you know about it's omega-3 fatty acid content, or lack thereof? I'm a sucker for quizzes and surveys, so when…
So this was what I was trying to write about a week ago when my world crashed around me. And maybe you've already heard it, but I still call it news. For those of you out there who are Mystery…
Labor Day weekend is fast are getting ready for another school year, parents are thanking heaven that summer is finally over, and we're all planning our BBQ menus. For an added bonus, Saturday, August 30 is International Bacon Day!…