For a number of reasons, not the least of which is a lack of venue, RBS will not be holding a full-scale Bacon Day party in 2010. I've already discussed this disappointing news with a number of you die-hards out…
From Just a little update on my weekend: My husband came home after 9 weeks away on business, so I decided to have a second Thanksgiving for obvious reasons. This time when prepping the turkey, I put an entire…
This commercial reminds me of the excruciating year that my husband and I decided to be vegetarians. It would have been a lovely experiment if we hadn't both gained 10 pounds from all the extra carbs and cheese we packed…
How well do you know bacon? Do you know something about it's history? Do you have a favorite brand? Do you know about it's omega-3 fatty acid content, or lack thereof? I'm a sucker for quizzes and surveys, so when…
You thought Burning Man was impressive? Forget about it, Bacon Man probably took just as long to build and is significantly more delicious. Via FoodProof and NetDiva's Flickr Set.
I thought that headline sounded more dramatic and exciting with the year thrown on the end, like a breaking news story. Which I suppose this is, because hey! It's an actual bacon watch! As in, a watch made of bacon!…