Do I smell bacon? I've always thought that bacon was a highly valuable commodity. My entire life I've been hearing about pork belly futures, and honestly, nothing works better as a bribe to get people out of bed. So I…
At the request of our new friends at, we made bacon shots available to our Bacon Day guests. Seemed like a great idea, since we were serving bacon vodka anyway, so we agreed and we asked people for their…
So my maple bacon black tea arrived this week, and I was so excited to try it! First of all, it came loose, giving me an excuse to use that teaball spoon I've had sitting in a drawer for the…
Well it has been a long week, and I'm looking forward to relaxing with a plate of hot bacon. Actually, I finally got all the ingredients necessary to try out the bacondaise recipe, so that's the plan for my Saturday…
Last month I came up with this little recipe in order to participate in a Spaghetti Western can't do a pasta event without meatballs, right? Turns out, the meatballs were a hit and, since my husband missed that event,…