Mother of Pearl, this one's good! Vanessa from What Geeks Eat knows how to make doughnuts, a skill not yet perfected by Husband and me. We've tried a couple times with miserable results, but this new recipe gives me hope.…
It's that time of year again when RBS gets involved with a Genesis West fundraiser. This year, it's a Spaghetti Western theme with a wide and weird variety of pastas, full-on barnyard atmosphere (live animals included), and a classic…
Cheerio! Royal Bacon Society is back from our European Vacation! (Naseem, by the by, has never seen European Vacation and never laughed once when I said, "Look Naseem, Big Ben. Parliament." I started feeling kind of stupid after the 10th…
I don't know about you, Internet, but I find holiday weekends a royal strain on the wallet. Between the drinks with friends, breakfasts and dinners with friends, pedicures, bottles of wine at the house, cases of beer at the house...well,…
The Baconwood Box Company is a great little business with a penchant for hand-crafted, bacon-related wooden wares. There's the bacon-wrapped scallop box! Bacon-shaped letter opener! Bacon tees! These people have got it bad for bacon. My favorite by far is…
Thank you, National Pig Association of the United Kingdom, for giving us all a heart attack imagining life with a bacon shortage! Insert squeal... The real blame, however, goes to our hyper crazy global media outlets that took the title…