BBQ Grill Mat Set of 3 Mats: Reusable Durable Non Stick Heat Resistant Cover for Charcoal, Gas & Electric Barbecue Grills – Premium Large Grilling, Cooking and Baking Sheets – 16 x 13 Inches
Tired of all the political noise and talking heads? Bacon Bomb. I believe that says it all. Oh, and stay tuned for the Parry Gripp audio at the end. This video has it all. Thanks Megan, for bringing the bacon.
Lately my husband has been extolling the virtues of popcorn as an evening snack over, say, chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. He particularly likes to share a big bowl if we're planning to watch a movie or a marathon session…
A couple of my friends like to joke about becoming "Crazy Cat Lady," that old woman who has 2 dozen cats roaming her home with names like Mittens and Uncle Albert, and little bowls of milk all over the floor,…
A couple days ago my favorite blogger, dooce, told an amusing story about how she scientifically and irrefutably proved that microwave-safe plastic bowls cannot withstand the magma-hot intensity of fresh bacon grease. Nice work, Heather. The world owes you big…
Earlier this year, I decided to stop eating wheat products. Which, although it has made me feel 10 times more healthy, was at first an incredibly difficult transition because I love carbs. Maybe more than I love bacon. And topping…
In celebration of the season, Brutus offers his vision of a perfect harvest...something he could be truly thankful for. Hope you're all enjoying a wonderful holiday!