From Just a little update on my weekend: My husband came home after 9 weeks away on business, so I decided to have a second Thanksgiving for obvious reasons. This time when prepping the turkey, I put an entire…
Great news from Rocco at Bacon Freak! There's been a lot of talk lately about whether you can pair bacon with wine, and if so, how? RBS did just such a thing at our Bacon Day party, and it was…
For those of you just tuning in, we here in America just celebrated Thanksgiving; a day of feasting, fun and family where we celebrate how a long time ago, the Native Americans saved our asses. Or something along those lines.…
Blogging is hard work, you know? Eating bacon. Writing about eating bacon. Thinking about eating and writing about bacon. It wears on a girl. We recently got a beautiful package in the mail from Leigh at Naughty Bits Brownies. And…
You know what goes great with bacon? (Ummm...everything?) Yeah well, this time I was thinking of bacon's cousin, the pork roast. I've seen a lot of recipes lately for bacon-wrapped pork roasts of various cuts, but I must admit the…
That Mr. Dave at the Ridiculous Food Society just keeps wowing me! You may remember that in October he made sausage entirely out of bacon, a feat heretofore unheard of. So of course I have to check in on him…