So my husband is a real sport. He's got many tattoos, most of them on a nautical theme as he is, himself, a nautical man. However, in the spirit of supporting me and Naseem and our blogging endeavor, he has…
Lately my husband has been extolling the virtues of popcorn as an evening snack over, say, chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. He particularly likes to share a big bowl if we're planning to watch a movie or a marathon session…
Leave it to Conan, THE MAN, to share with us yet another bacon bebida. Sweet Conan, I'm so on your team. Lots of interesting looking stuff, but the bacon talk starts around 6:10. Wait for it... "Wait, so this is just…
I don't know about your dad, but mine has some typical father-like qualities. Things like a penchant for shop tools and barbecues and red meat. Although Dad and I don't agree on how we like our bacon cooked, we both…
You gotta love The New Yorker. Wry, urbane, and recently under attack for some controversial cover art. You know what? It's not going to make me stop reading. Not when the latest edition features the Fourteen Passive-Aggressive Appetizers that would…
You've no doubt noticed the banner ad for Foodbuzz to the right of our daily postings. They're a foodie/food blogger community that has sponsored nearly every worthwhile food site in the blogiverse. They recently made their official launch, and we…