I've been thinking all week, and I decided I just don't have much bacon news to report from across the pond. Although we did enjoy the bacon turnovers in England a great deal, I can't find a photo of them...Naseem probably…
Okay baconeers, here's something I'm really excited about. I may have mentioned before that I like heavy beers like Guinness and double black or chocolate stouts. Although you can't drink a lot of it, I love the depth of flavors…
Lest ye think that my devotion to this blog is insincere, I'll tell you about my waking thoughts today: Bacon Jell-O. That's what I was dreaming about when I woke up, and I thought, "Yes! Perfect! I'm sure I can…
When I walk down State Street during the day, it seems like 50% of the people I encounter are listening to their iPods. (Or whatever. I call every mp3 player an iPod, just like I call all colas Coke and…
This is perfect for a Friday. So this hilarious site, Color Wars 2008, held a contest for the best nerd rap. The only stipulation was that the rapper use the word "bacon" and their team name in the rhyme. And…
I knew that certain Jewish and Islamic traditions forbade the eating of pork, but when did the Christians turn on us? This is even more harsh, although more straightforward, than the last religious tirade aimed at bacon.