There are an amazing number of recipes in existence that pair up the salty with the sweet. I myself rarely mix the two. Can't stand sweet & sour chicken. Don't want pineapple on my pizza. The thought of pickles and…
In the tradition of seeing the Virgin Mary on your tortilla or the Shroud of Turin on your toast, this nice lady saw a vision of hippos in her rashers. And I think this may be a true miracle, because…
How do I feel this morning? Outdone, that's how. The amazing minds at Epic Nomz have created a burger so beautiful, so mouth-wateringly lovely to think about, I can hardly stand it. Once again, a bacon recipe that has me…
Also known as the Viscount St. Alban, Sir Francis Bacon is best known for his Baconian method, known to this day as the scientific method of inquiry. A widely-respected scientist, philosopher and statesman, Bacon was also believed by some to…
Do you love the Grateful Palate? I love the Grateful Palate. Those guys are just genius, overflowing with an abundance of bacon gifts and bacon-of-the-month clubs and delicious goodies. Grateful Palate, I want to be your friend. This may be…
Hey Internet, we made it to 100 posts! I must admit that when we started this venture, I wasn't sure how many new and exciting bacon finds there could be, but the hits just keep on coming! Thanks for reading…