Mother of Pearl, this one's good! Vanessa from What Geeks Eat knows how to make doughnuts, a skill not yet perfected by Husband and me. We've tried a couple times with miserable results, but this new recipe gives me hope.…
It's my second favorite day of the year. I wish I could tell you I was going out tonight dressed as bacon like Gavin Rossdale, but I'm not. I'll be Alice in Wonderland, an old tried and true. Because I'm…
Here's a lovely piece of truth from poopbear. See more of Mr. Poopbear's art here, and let this little reminder carry you through the day until you can get home and have some bacon. Sometimes its the only thing makes…
We recently received a delightful surprise in the mail from Das Foods: the Man Bait Lollipop! Das Foods specializes in lots of gourmet goodies including a variety of caramels, lollipops and sea salts. For obvious reasons, Founder and CEO Katie…
It seems nearly unfathomable that it has taken me this long to get to it. I saw it months ago. I noticed it on a menu in Vegas. I've been simultaneously intrigued and repulsed since it first came to my…
Not long ago, my husband and I went to one of our favorite local eateries, Shalhoob's for a long-anticipated date night. Besides having really great steaks and cocktails, this restaurant has a long history in Santa Barbara. Shalhoob's Meat Company…