Oh dear. It's early in the morning, but this recipe has just made me start thinking about dinner. I don't know who this Young Cooking guy is, but I like the way he thinks. This image reminds me of the…
This weekend while the husband and I were biking around downtown, we decided to stop at Union Ale and grab a sandwich and a beer. Because, you know, casually rolling around in 75 degree weather is thirsty work. I meant to…
This is perfect for a Friday. So this hilarious site, Color Wars 2008, held a contest for the best nerd rap. The only stipulation was that the rapper use the word "bacon" and their team name in the rhyme. And…
I love it when July 4th falls on a Friday. It's the perfect 3-day weekend where you actually start the partying on day one and either rage on through, or have a full two days to recover. Believe me, I've…
So you're all familiar with my experiments in making Bacon Bourbon. I did it a few times and although it was alright, it wasn't exactly addicting. Although I never did make a bacon maple Manhattan, which is still on my…
I'm sure you've all heard of chicharrones. Also known as pork rinds or cracklin's and often sold in liquor stores with a small packet of hot sauce, these puffy pig fat treats are a mere shadow of the real thing.…