BBQ Grill Mat Set of 3 Mats: Reusable Durable Non Stick Heat Resistant Cover for Charcoal, Gas & Electric Barbecue Grills – Premium Large Grilling, Cooking and Baking Sheets – 16 x 13 Inches
In case you haven't already met, I just have to introduce you to the Annals of Bacon Research. I'm super impressed with this team, first because they paired the word annals, which my husband cannot say or look at without…
In case you were looking for something to do this weekend, and in case you happen to love motorcycles and bacon, we have an event for you! The First (and hopefully not last) Annual Bacon Run starts in San Diego and…
I gave a brief review of Daily's thick-cut, hardwood smoked peppered bacon after the big Bacon Day Bash, but I decided to give this great bacon some more attention. Naseem, Cameron and I attended a beer festival this weekend, and…
Is it ridiculous? Absolutely. Is it hilarious? Definitely. Does it make me hungry? Hell yes it does. There is something wrong with me. Somehow I imagine it shooting bacon bits or something. For kicking ass and making salads. Go America!…