BBQ Grill Mat Set of 3 Mats: Reusable Durable Non Stick Heat Resistant Cover for Charcoal, Gas & Electric Barbecue Grills – Premium Large Grilling, Cooking and Baking Sheets – 16 x 13 Inches
Oh dear. It's early in the morning, but this recipe has just made me start thinking about dinner. I don't know who this Young Cooking guy is, but I like the way he thinks. This image reminds me of the…
Ok, people, we get it! You like Homer Simpson. Our post Top 10 Bacon Quotes from Homer Simpson has been our most popular post for years. But Homer isn't the only fictional character that likes bacon, people! Real people love…
I love how there are flowers and cloth napkins on the table. And entire bottle of Wild Turkey 101. The perfect meal for a special occasion. Or an awesome first date. Thanks, Todd!
Last night the roommates brought home the BEST. TREAT. EVER. They're called Bakon Stripz, and like the bag says, they do make me go wacko. Stark-raving, foaming at the mouth insane, in fact. They smell exactly like barbecue sauce, which…
I knew that certain Jewish and Islamic traditions forbade the eating of pork, but when did the Christians turn on us? This is even more harsh, although more straightforward, than the last religious tirade aimed at bacon.
Eric at (reddit) asked me to let you all know that they're holding a Thanksgiving Day recipe contest. Just submit your best original Turkey Day bacon recipe by midnight tomorrow and you could win a whole box of goodies…