I thought that headline sounded more dramatic and exciting with the year thrown on the end, like a breaking news story. Which I suppose this is, because hey! It's an actual bacon watch! As in, a watch made of bacon!…
Blogging is hard work, you know? Eating bacon. Writing about eating bacon. Thinking about eating and writing about bacon. It wears on a girl. We recently got a beautiful package in the mail from Leigh at Naughty Bits Brownies. And…
And you thought the race between Obama and McCain was tough. Can you imagine having to choose between Bacon and Fries? Although clearly, the more versatile candidate won. Somehow I just knew Bacon was a Dem. via lazerdave's Flickr…
As I mentioned during the Bacon Day posts, Rocco from BaconFreak gave us A LOT of bacon. We had already purchased many pounds of bacon ourselves, so were not able to use it all on Bacon Day. Fortunately, this means…
You thought Burning Man was impressive? Forget about it, Bacon Man probably took just as long to build and is significantly more delicious. Via FoodProof and NetDiva's Flickr Set.