Do you love bacon? Really? Are you sure? Because if you're not wearing a t-shirt or in some way physically sporting your devotion, I'm not sure I can buy it. That's why I'm so proud of our reader, Nick, who…
Well, here it is, the last day of September and fall is sweeping over the land. Here in Santa Barbara, the evenings are getting cooler, and we're having occasionally grey between all the sunshine. But since I love autumn,…
I promise today is my last day posting about Bacon Day 2008, even though it's worth talking about for another week. We were fortunate at the last minute to get a "swag sponsor" by way of Not only did…
There are a wide variety of ways to express your love of bacon. In coming posts I'll show you some wearable trinkets designed by the truly devout. I begin today with the BLT Ring, with big thanks to Cool Hunting…
OMG! These look so good, and so easy to make. The brilliant Mr. B over at Bacon Today came up with this crafty idea, and I cannot wait to try it. Basically, you buy a tube of pre-made cinnamon rolls,…
In case you haven't already met, I just have to introduce you to the Annals of Bacon Research. I'm super impressed with this team, first because they paired the word annals, which my husband cannot say or look at without…