I know what you're thinking: A fairy who comes through your window at night and leaves bacon under your pillow, right? But no, this is even more strange. We have discovered a website called Gale's Gifts, where Gale sells a…
I don't know what it is, but lately I've received a number of product offers from people making innovative, bacon-flavored snacks. Anyone who's known me any length of time will tell you that I love free stuff. In fact, you…
This absolutely blows my mind. My good friends Chrissy and Smiley went to a taping of The Price is Right for their 4-year anniversary, because they are awesome like that. To my utter delight, Smiley was picked and yes, he…
This is interesting...a cooking site with a section devoted to telling you not only what you're doing wrong, but also how to do it right. This instructional video from chow.com about how to cook bacon is right on the money,…
Make your dreams come true and wrap yourself in bacon! Okay, maybe it doesn't smell like bacon or taste like bacon, but it sure looks like bacon! We've written about bacon scarves before, but this one is another you just…