So I know this here blog is supposed to be all about bacon, but let's be honest. There's a whole lot more to the proud pig than his delicious belly. One of the most versatile cuts (and my second favorite)…
I once titled a post Bacon Sushi? because I doesn't exist. I can waste that title because I'll never find real bacon sushi to post about, right? Right?! WRONG! So let me backtrack by saying that my husband and…
Is it ridiculous? Absolutely. Is it hilarious? Definitely. Does it make me hungry? Hell yes it does. There is something wrong with me. Somehow I imagine it shooting bacon bits or something. For kicking ass and making salads. Go America!…
Last night the roommates brought home the BEST. TREAT. EVER. They're called Bakon Stripz, and like the bag says, they do make me go wacko. Stark-raving, foaming at the mouth insane, in fact. They smell exactly like barbecue sauce, which…
I just realized that one of reasons I'm so obsessed with bacon is that my husband is an enabler. He finds more and more ways to use the magical meat in recipes I would never have considered. This week, after…