I promise today is my last day posting about Bacon Day 2008, even though it's worth talking about for another week. We were fortunate at the last minute to get a "swag sponsor" by way of BaconFreak.com. Not only did…
I can't tell you how often I almost start my posts with the word "wow." I write it and then erase it thinking, "you can't say that every day." And yet while adventuring through the world of bacon, I often…
It turns out that bacon grease is often the center of bets, dares or penalties, generally propagated by individuals between the ages of 16 and 24. If you go to YouTube and enter "bacon grease" you'll come up with a…
The Baconwood Box Company is a great little business with a penchant for hand-crafted, bacon-related wooden wares. There's the bacon-wrapped scallop box! Bacon-shaped letter opener! Bacon tees! These people have got it bad for bacon. My favorite by far is…
I don't know if you remember the series Pete & Pete from early-90s Nickelodeon. That show was a trip, a bit surreal with lots of jokes that went over the intended audience's heads. I was in my 20s when this…
I know what you're thinking. I have a closet full of clothes and nothing truly bacony to go with them! Well, have you tried a search for bacon on Etsy.com? If not, drop what you're doing and GO. THERE. NOW!…