It's no secret that I enjoy the Bacon Salt. It was one my very first blog posts, and I totally use it at home for all kinds of recipes. I have one of every flavor, and a really big…
Just before the holidays, we were fortunate to be contacted by the good folks at Pop's Authentic, a company that makes artisan jerky and meat snack in New Franklin, Missouri. They asked if we'd like to try their product (specifically…
In case you haven't already met, I just have to introduce you to the Annals of Bacon Research. I'm super impressed with this team, first because they paired the word annals, which my husband cannot say or look at without…
Ah, the ingenuity of bacon-lovers. Always out finding new ways to incorporate bacon into their daily lives by wrapping, stuffing or infusing a favorite dish with smoky goodness. And while I think many of us have made great strides in…
How do I feel this morning? Outdone, that's how. The amazing minds at Epic Nomz have created a burger so beautiful, so mouth-wateringly lovely to think about, I can hardly stand it. Once again, a bacon recipe that has me…
I have been asked to guest commentate on the subject of bacon and bacon flavored treats. My hobbies are extensive and include licking my butt and chasing things, but treats are definitely #1 on that list. I happen to be…