The day before Bacon Day, Naseem was at my house and asked me what we were going to do with all the bacon grease. We had toyed with the idea of offering it as a beverage option for the…
We interrupt our usual plugging of bacon products to announce that we are proud recipients of an Arte Award! Dave's Cupboard gave us this honor, and what a compliment coming from one of my favorite food bloggers! Thanks, Dave! This…
I cannot believe how much bacon art there is to be found in this wacky world of ours. This piece here was on display at Bacon Camp in San Francisco in March. Ranging from beautiful to bizarre to downright ridiculous,…
I'm sure many of you were aware that there was a vote taking place to determine once and for all which breakfast meat is truly king: bacon or sausage. Over at Super Action Vote, people were submitting videos and voting…
So after years of Marianne raving about Thanksgiving at her house, I am finally going to be attending her feast today.  I was so excited yesterday (and still am today!) that I spent the evening creating a gift for Marianne…