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Blogging Since 2008

The Internet's Favorite Bacon Blog

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Bacon & Cheese Snausages

Hey Internet, I'm back! I've spent the last few months cataloging each and every blade of grass in my front and back yards. It was a long process, but totally worth it. If there was a PhD for dogs, my…
October 16, 2008

From Belly to Bacon

Ever wonder how your delicious bacon was made? You may be surprised to learn that at some bacon factories, your bacon takes a trip in the microwave! Shoot, maybe ALL bacon factories. I'm no expert, I just eat the stuff.…
April 9, 2008
Funny Bacon

Failbook Never Fails

My favorite comment is the last. Sacrilicious will now be an active part of my vocabulary. Merry Porking Christmas!! Thank you, Holly! And thank you Failbook.
December 21, 2010
Bacon GiftsDIY Bacon

Bacon Crochet

If you've never heard of Twinkie Chan, then I urge you to rush right over to Scene 360 and check out the interview with this yarn genius! She is absolutely amazing. Twinkie has a mind-blowing talent for creating food-inspired scarves…
November 13, 2008
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Time To Buy Some Bacon!

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