How well do you know bacon? Do you know something about it’s history? Do you have a favorite brand? Do you know about it’s omega-3 fatty acid content, or lack thereof?
I’m a sucker for quizzes and surveys, so when a friend sent me this Bacon and Pork Belly quiz, you know I took it right away. It’s only 10 questions long, and it seemed like maybe I knew a reasonable amount about bacon if anyone did. Do you want to know how many questions I answered correctly? Four. 40%. Not even a passing grade. Which just goes to show you, bacon is a more complex subject than most people think. Think you know your bacon better than the RBS? Give it a try and let us know.
Fun quiz! I got 6 / 10 right but some of my answers were full on guesses.
Somehow I’m not surprised that you scored higher than me. I bow to your bacon knowledge.
i got 5/10 i am a bacon conasseur
6/10 and proud of it