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That Mr. Dave at the Ridiculous Food Society just keeps wowing me! You may remember that in October he made sausage entirely out of bacon, a feat heretofore unheard of. So of course I have to check in on him every once in a while and see what he’s up to. Seems that the day before Thanksgiving, he was up to ridiculous goodness.

Yes, Mr. Dave invented the Bacon Rice Krispies Treat(BRKT); same basic recipe as the classic RKT, but with a package of bacon thrown in for fun. I wish there was a more close-up photo, but even this one is making me hungry. Rice Krispies Treats are such a simple delight, just tastes like sticky sweet and crispiness. And it was an equally simple idea to throw in some salty, smoky bacon. It’s the kind of thing you wish you had thought up yourself.

But you didn’t. Mr. Dave did.

Thanks, Mr. Dave, for another great idea. This will be making its way to the next Bacon Day for sure.

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