Internet, this product has just BLOWN. MY. MIND. I thought it was a joke at first, but no. Indeed this product is real. It’s bacon in a can and you can find it here
. The camouflage can and the description “MRE” bring to mind images of men out camping, perhaps hunting deer. When you’re backpacking into the brush, you don’t want a lot of perishables in your pack. And when you’re hunting wild game, you don’t want the smell of grilling bacon to tip them off to your presence. So of course you need canned bacon. It gives you the protein you need to stay focused on killing poor Bambi’s daddy. (Says the porkaholic.)
The only other reason I can imagine buying canned bacon is for emergency food storage, I guess? Because the Apocalypse just wouldn’t be any fun without it. Nothing but condensed soup and fruit cocktail. (Am I the only person who has an emergency food storage? Apparently full of food I dread?) Some things just do not say “canned” to me…things like sausages and tamales. I can now add bacon to that list. Even though I can’t stop staring at these photos. Just look how shiny the bacon grease makes the waxed paper at the bottom of the can!
This website gives truly step-by-step images of how the bacon looks upon coming out of the can. They are so good, I wanted to put every single picture in this post. Instead I will urge you, nay, beg you to go to the site and check it out. I kid you not, this product has made my Monday morning. And may I just add, God bless America!
WTF(gba) I did not know the royal society was down with uncle Sam and JC cool post any way
This is truly the most awesome use of food storage technology since Louis Pasteur soldered the lid on the first can of vienna sausage.
Wow, Dave. You are full of useful food-related trivia!
that looks disgusting and delicious all at the same time.
Omg that IS kinda amazing! On the site it doesn’t look so bad once its all rolled out. I shall have to tell my bacon-loving mormon friends about this. The apocalypse is at hand you know. ๐
like Daniel I am simultaneously repulsed and intrigued
ok. here’s the weird part. For unexplained reasons, I was actually thinking (yesterday) about how I should pull the trigger and buy some Yoder’s bacon in a can (and, yes, I saw it on MRE depot – lol!). I don’t really know why I want it, I just do. It’s bacon! In a can!
I know, strangely intriguing, right?
wow, now survival will actually be a bit more tasty. and ALOT more tasty if you have to survive with someone you like ๐
As a kid (I’m JUST 44) we used to take bacon in a can on our camping trips. We used to get it at KMart. It was in a can that had a key on it and a tab to peel away, like a sardine can. Anyone else remember this stuff??
Bacon has been an integral part of my life, as it makes everything better…