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bacon-chicken-cheeseBy now you’ve all seen Foodproof’s Bacon and Cheese Roll. This thing is a modern marvel and fully deserves the wild acclaim it has received. I mean, seriously, that was brilliant. But, as with all great ideas, this one has already been one-upped. I give you the Bacon, Cheese and Chicken Roll from SOT. And I dare you not to drool.

bacon-chicken-cheese-2Now don’t get me wrong. I appreciate the elemental impulse behind eating just bacon and cheese. It’s like those Ultimate Cheeseburger commercials by Jack-in-the-Box. Cheese, meat, cheese, meat, cheese and that’s it. No bun required. Sometimes you have to feed that animal need inside you. But I also love chicken, and the refinement of seasoning this monster with roasted garlic is just the touch needed to take it from ridiculous to maybe not so crazy. Seriously, I might serve this at my next cocktail party. Right next to the rumaki.


  • acme401 says:

    SOT is proud to have contributed to clogged arteries all over this great land, if not the whole world. We consider the front page of the Royal Bacon Society the highest honor known to mankind. We hope to be able to add more delicious experiments in the future.

    Animals have rights….the right to be tasty.

    • Marianne says:

      Or as my husband likes to say, “there’s room for all of God’s creatures…right next to the mashed potatoes.” Please keep up the good work. We’ll have our eye on you.

  • lockdown says:

    Holy heart attack that looks awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

    and SOT rules

  • The Gnas says:

    As a member of S.O.T. and dear friend of Barbie and Plastic… I was disappointed to find that they had never shared this with me before I found it posted here. This however did not deter me from making this for my Super Bowl Party. It has completely re-awakened the Bacon NomNommer in me.

    I have a recipe in the works to make your heart cry.

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