So my husband is a real sport. He's got many tattoos, most of them on a nautical theme as he is, himself, a nautical man. However, in the spirit of supporting me and Naseem and our blogging endeavor, he has…
This is perfect for a Friday. So this hilarious site, Color Wars 2008, held a contest for the best nerd rap. The only stipulation was that the rapper use the word "bacon" and their team name in the rhyme. And…
I know this is Brutus' day to post, but he couldn't make it. Something about grandma being in town and boatloads of ham. In his absence, I thought I'd bring you something both animal and bacon related. And what could…
We all know that bacon is a delight to smell, to eat, to look at. Along with coffee and baking cookies, it's a feast for the senses that makes me feel instantly warm and happy, not to mention hungry. What…
Internet, I love you. You let people do and say whatever they want, and you don't judge them for it. If people want to shout their political views, you give them a soapbox to stand on. If they want to…
1. "If you call ham "Canadian bacon", what do you call bacon?" Michael Kelso, That '70s Show 2."Yes, I'll have a non-fat, decaf latte, please. Oh, what the hell? Look, make it a full-fat mocha with extra whipped cream. What…