I have been asked to guest commentate on the subject of bacon and bacon flavored treats. My hobbies are extensive and include licking my butt and chasing things, but treats are definitely #1 on that list. I happen to be…
Wow. You have to go check out this amazing, step-by-step recipe/photo journal of a breakfast cake. At first sight, I wasn't overly excited, because it just looks like cake. But you have to read through the whole process. This thing…
You know what goes great with bacon? (Ummm...everything?) Yeah well, this time I was thinking of bacon's cousin, the pork roast. I've seen a lot of recipes lately for bacon-wrapped pork roasts of various cuts, but I must admit the…
If you've been thinking about a trip to Santa Barbara County's wine country, now's the time to start your planning. July 19-21, 2013 is the first annual Bacon & Barrels festival in downtown Los Olivos, in the heart of the…
Bacon Day gave us a great excuse to try and share some of the recipes we've talked about on this site. The first, which I believe may be entirely original to Royal Bacon Society, was the Bacondoodle. It began with…