Hi everybody! It's been a while; We moved to a new house and I've been busy securing its borders, making the possums an offer they couldn't refuse, if you know what I mean. I'm still swamped with trampling the flower…
Lately my husband has been extolling the virtues of popcorn as an evening snack over, say, chocolate fudge brownie ice cream. He particularly likes to share a big bowl if we're planning to watch a movie or a marathon session…
The October '08 edition of Bon Appetit magazine has this wonderful looking recipe for Cornish game hens with a corn bread and sage stuffing. Coincidentally, my husband had the urge to buy Cornish game hens over the weekend, so…
Everywhere you look these days, the partnership between bacon & eggs is being celebrated. Easily bacon's most common companion, the egg has a sunny attitude that perfectly complements bacon's crispy outlook. Here are a few great items for the upcoming…
You've no doubt noticed the banner ad for Foodbuzz to the right of our daily postings. They're a foodie/food blogger community that has sponsored nearly every worthwhile food site in the blogiverse. They recently made their official launch, and we…
Well then, have I got the shirt for you! No Star Clothing has come up with this brilliant design, based on a wicked idea for a tattoo. I really love this t-shirt. I'm not usually the type to wear my…