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Thank you, National Pig Association of the United Kingdom, for giving us all a heart attack imagining life with a bacon shortage! Insert squeal… The real blame, however, goes to our hyper crazy global media outlets that took the title of the small press release (A world shortage of pork and bacon next year is now unavoidableย) and went hog wild. The good news? There is NO bacon shortage.

After reading many an article about the “shortage”, I fell upon this very witty bit of writing and decided this would be a fun one to share. It’s from CNN’s tech weekly ย Apparently This Matters ย post on September 29th, click here to go read it. All the hoopla has basically lead to this conclusion: the price of bacon will increase. All this drought in the US has lead to less corn crops, which means corn becomes more expensive, and therefore, feeding the piggies is much pricier. This all equals more expensive bacon (and many other corn eating meats…) I even heard this weekend that some farms are feeding candy to their pigs! Candy is cheaper than corn! I wonder how getting chocolate goodness into bacon from the inside will work out….

Fear not fellow bacon lovers, all is well in the end. We’ll just have to shell out more bacon, for our bacon.


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