I don't know what it is, but lately I've received a number of product offers from people making innovative, bacon-flavored snacks. Anyone who's known me any length of time will tell you that I love free stuff. In fact, you…
Leave it to Conan, THE MAN, to share with us yet another bacon bebida. Sweet Conan, I'm so on your team. Lots of interesting looking stuff, but the bacon talk starts around 6:10. Wait for it... "Wait, so this is just…
The Baconwood Box Company is a great little business with a penchant for hand-crafted, bacon-related wooden wares. There's the bacon-wrapped scallop box! Bacon-shaped letter opener! Bacon tees! These people have got it bad for bacon. My favorite by far is…
I've been hearing for months that the west coast is in for an epic El Nino winter, and it looks like maybe it's finally starting. With rain and clouds predicted for this entire week, I think I'll put on something…
I don't know if any of you watch The View, but Michelle Obama appeared with those crazy ladies last week. They did a piece on breakfast where a nutritionist informed us that it IS the most important meal of the…
Mother of Pearl, this one's good! Vanessa from What Geeks Eat knows how to make doughnuts, a skill not yet perfected by Husband and me. We've tried a couple times with miserable results, but this new recipe gives me hope.…